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We are Jonas, Elisa, Mariana and Carlota, a group of second-year students from Industrial Design Engineering. For Module 7, we were tasked with designing a product for a specific client to make a part of their day-to-day life easier.
Our client is ANDREI, a 26 year old man. He is passionate about making music and art.

Andrei has limited muscle control across his body, but he is able to move his eyes and neck in a controlled way. He also struggles with spasms. Due to his, Andrei is supported by a wheelchair whenever he is out and about. He has also worked with university students that came before us, namely the team at

To interact and communicate, he relies on his tablet called
MYTOBII that utilizes eye-tracking. With this, he can accurately type out the things he wants to say, move his wheelchair around, as well as making art and music.
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Introducing My eyii, a remarkable advancement in interaction technology. This innovative device is engineered to recognize individuals, offering the flexibility to identify features like eyes or faces without the need for external cues. By detecting the presence or orientation of individuals, the sensor serves as a trigger mechanism, initiating designated functions seamlessly.


What's more, My eyii features an interchangeble design, offering the user to customize the look of the product. The designs will simply stick to the sides since these will have magnet taping.

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THE Prototype

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